Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Check it out…Downsize DC.org

We all know and joke about how the fat cats in Washington, D.C. do what they want and get what they want. Well, it is not a joke and our future is in jeopardy due if we do not act and act soon.

· Do you want to stop “pork barrel” spending?
· Do you want our senator or congress person to live within the Constitution, not outside of it?
· Do you want a balanced budget?
· Do you want your fellow citizens to be more accountable for their actions?

If you answered “yes” and ANY one of these, you must visit www.downsizedc.org. This organization’s mission is to cut down the government—eliminate their excess. You can go to this website and truly see how the government ACTUALLY works. Trust me, government is not like your textbook told you all those years ago. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe that there are secret societies that are secretly running our lives or spying on us. I believe that our congress persons are overtly taking advantage of our apathy. They know that the more confusing and complex they make the government, the less likely we are to call them on their excess. Thus, the same old politics will continue.

The most interesting legislation that they are trying to garner support for is the One Subject At A Time Act. It would force congress to only pass legislation concerning one focused topic at a time. Therefore all of this “pork barrel” spending would have to stand up on its own and cannot be thrown at the end of some big bill.

Please, explore Downsize DC and see what I am talking about. It is straight talk and simple.

God Bless

P.S. you can also listen to the Downsize D.C. President, Jim Babka, each week on The Eagle 93.9’s The Drive hosted by Gary Nolan (Downsize DC Chairman) from 4-6pm.

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