Wednesday, September 3, 2008

United States of America – The Enabling Parent

As a new parent (2 ½ year old and 7 month old girls), I am constantly second guessing my parenting skills and decisions. My main goal as a parent is to make sure my daughters become positive contributors to society. Their success in life cannot be measured in salary, degrees, or power. Yes, I want them to be better off than me; I do not want them to have the same money concerns that I have. But I will consider myself a successful parent if my children are honest, law abiding citizens that take personal responsibility for their decisions. This cannot happen if Daddy enables them their entire life. When my oldest learned to walk, I was there to catch her if she fell. That was great for a little while, but I needed to step away and let her fall. This taught her no to over extend herself if she was reaching for something, or to control her balance. When she first learned to use a “big girl” glass, I helped her pick it up and find her mouth without spilling the contents. Now, I need to let her spill. She learns that she must clean up her messes and the consequences of not holding the cup still. I am sure this type of parenting will continue to occur as my girls get closer to adulthood. There will be bike accidents, boyfriends breaking her heart (over my dead body J), car accidents, and education choices. There will be failures, but I will be there to help her learn from these mistakes, pick herself up, and keep going. This will continue to be the case when she is an adult. She will fail and it will hurt. But how we deal with failure will be my biggest lesson to my girls. Learn from it, correct it as best as possible

As I think about that, it makes me worry about how our government deals with failure. The most prominent example has been the recent action by the Federal Reserve to protect against the failure of Bear Sterns, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae (
read the Op-Ed Column that set me off). On the surface, these bailout situations make perfect sense. If Bear Sterns would have been let to fail, then the waves it would have sent through the nation’s economy would have been tragic. The credit markets would have tightened up numerous times more than it actually did and stock holders would have devastating losses. People would have been hurt. The same would go for the failure of Fannie and Freddie, just to an nth degree.

Yet, in the long term scope, failure may have been the best thing that would have happened to us. The same as what falling did for my daughter or even 9-11 did for us and national security. At our lowest points do we gain the most appreciation and motivation for success. If financial companies would have failed, then by God, the ones that survived would be forced by the free market to be more thorough in their analysis and be focused more on long term viability than short term profits. The market would gain the power to force these institutions to comply with more transparent financial reports, more conservative investments, and more hedges for riskier operations. The free market allows for choice. It allows for innovation. It allows for transformation and adaptation. The allows people to judge for themselves what options are best for them, not telling them what is best for them. It is like going to Baskin Robins and finding 31 containers of vanilla ice cream. On average, most people like vanilla. But, some like Chocolate more, or Strawberry, or even Double Peanut Butter Banana. While you may lose money if you buy a flavor you don’t like, you were able to learn not to buy that one again. If enough people do not like the flavor, the store will no longer stock it because it will not sell. That is the beauty of the free market. It lets the people decide, not some bureaucrat or faceless regulator.

Like it or not, the free market encourages success. The government encourages adequacy. The free market is the parent that lets their children fail, but helps them learn and grow for the future. The government is the enabling parent that turns out spoiled brats that continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. So, let’s stop allowing government to swaddle us to death and have the guts to push away and walk on our own. It is amazing how well we will do.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Check it out…Downsize

We all know and joke about how the fat cats in Washington, D.C. do what they want and get what they want. Well, it is not a joke and our future is in jeopardy due if we do not act and act soon.

· Do you want to stop “pork barrel” spending?
· Do you want our senator or congress person to live within the Constitution, not outside of it?
· Do you want a balanced budget?
· Do you want your fellow citizens to be more accountable for their actions?

If you answered “yes” and ANY one of these, you must visit This organization’s mission is to cut down the government—eliminate their excess. You can go to this website and truly see how the government ACTUALLY works. Trust me, government is not like your textbook told you all those years ago. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe that there are secret societies that are secretly running our lives or spying on us. I believe that our congress persons are overtly taking advantage of our apathy. They know that the more confusing and complex they make the government, the less likely we are to call them on their excess. Thus, the same old politics will continue.

The most interesting legislation that they are trying to garner support for is the One Subject At A Time Act. It would force congress to only pass legislation concerning one focused topic at a time. Therefore all of this “pork barrel” spending would have to stand up on its own and cannot be thrown at the end of some big bill.

Please, explore Downsize DC and see what I am talking about. It is straight talk and simple.

God Bless

P.S. you can also listen to the Downsize D.C. President, Jim Babka, each week on The Eagle 93.9’s The Drive hosted by Gary Nolan (Downsize DC Chairman) from 4-6pm.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin…Great pick or Great Disaster?

So, John McCain shocked the world on Friday. The faces of everyone who thought that she should pick Romney, Ridge, or Paulenty the Arizona senator picked a little known governor from Alaska. She is pretty, feisty, smart, moralistic, and well…a woman. The GOP is loving this because they hope to gain Hilary supporters without losing their base. Brillant!

Not so fast. I liken this to a one night stand. At the time is feels great and you are loving life. When you wake up the next morning you realize just what you are stuck with (those 34 Nattie Lights went down so smooth, though.) I will admit that McCain swung for the fences with this one. Lets just see if it goes foul or stays fair (enough metaphors). I feel that Palin will create a lot of buzz and excitement through the GOP convention (if Gustov allows it to happen), yet as we become closer to election day, we are going to realize that Gov. Palin just does not have the experience to be president. Lets face it, McCain is 72 years old and has been battling various illnesses over the past few years. There is a strong chance he may die in office. So, we must ask ourselves if we can see Mrs. Palin sitting down with Putin, Ahmadi-Nejad, Jintao, or Chavez. I cannot. Is she prepared to understand the economic complexities that runs our nation (pending a fair tax implementation? Can she balance traveling the world and running the country and still have time for your downs-syndrome baby (Alaska allows for family time). I feel that as we get to know her more, we will like her spirit and motivation, but we will not be able to get past the fact that we cannot see her being the leader for our country.

More to come…

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC Convention Day 3


I hope you can get used to it, because from here on out it will dominate the US until November 4th. Luckily, I love politics and this is where the fun starts.

Day 3 of the Democrat Convention has just ended and, while entertaining, nothing new was brought to light. It does not take much to figure out that I have Libertarian leaning philosophies. (Mark my words, I will always vote for the best available candidate no matter which party they come from. I have voted for democrats, republicans, and libertarians in the last 12 months.) So, I hope that I can listen to this rhetoric without too much bias. Except for the fact that, if Obama is elected, I hope you like socialism. The entire content of each speech is what government can give you. When will people realize that the government is THE MOST inefficient organization still in existence in the US. Why would anyone want this group of special interest patsies deciding what medical attention you need, how you should invest your money, how much money you make, etc…? I know that you are smarter than that! Take control of your own life and kick the government out of your life.

Still, there were some obvious problems with the various speeches tonight.

Bill Clinton – I will admit it, he was quite entertaining (even though Mic helle Obama would not agree). He said what he needed to say and it proved why he is one of the best public speakers in history. I may not agree with his politics, but if I have something to say, I want Bill to say it. Yet, this was just a rah, rah speech with very little substance to hang you hat on.

Various military personnel – This was obviously the night that the DNC wanted to show the country that there are actually some people in the military that are democrats. Too bad that they could not have coached them better on their speech content. Where they get the impression that Barack Obama is the best choice for Commander-in-Chief is lost to me. Just because Barack want to Walter Reed to visit our troops does not make him an expert on military strategy. It is not like he is the first politician to visit, so get off it. Also, they kept saying he went with no intent for political gain. BULL!!!!! Everyone with half a brain knows that the media watches his every move. So, he does not need to send out a press release for the entire nation to know where he is going. This was a calculated move that Obama is trying to exploit. Shameless.

Joe Biden – I like the man and I can understand why he would be a good guy to hang out with. But, can you get any more liberal? Oh yes, his name is Barak Obama. He made some very aggressive accusations. He stated that it was George Bush that ruined the economy. Really? Last time I checked the economy is not ruined, we are just have a correction to greedy financial companies who left conservative lending practices for quick profits. Sorry, no GWB here. He also said that THREE years ago, John McCain said that a time table is not the answer, but ONE year ago, Obama said that we need one. The current administration is now in conversations with Iraqi government on a time table, so Barak is right? I don’t think so. McCain made that comment THREE years ago!!!! The entire climate of the war was different than it was a year ago. This is a horrible comparison of apples and oranges.

These democrats are already trying to grab at anything that they can and seeing if it will stick. This does not bode well for them.

Don’t worry, I will have plenty to say about the Republicans next week.

God Bless

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hello! Welcome to the Missouri Banker’s Blog! My goal is to provide an entertaining destination to discussion current financial and political events and ideas. I will probably through in my thoughts about my personal life and sports addictions along the way (especially my Missouri Tigers…MIZZOU RAH!).

Before I begin, you probably want to know a little bit about me and why I want to take some of my free time to tell you my thoughts.

My name is Sam Giroux and I am Loan Officer for Boone County National Bank (BCNB) in central Missouri. While the headquarters for BCNB is located in the town of Columbia, my branch is located in Hallsville, MO—about 10 minutes north of Columbia. BCNB is the regional bank leader for Boone County and parts of Cooper County to the west with over $1 Billion in average assets. We hold a market share of about 35% which is quite impressive given the large about of financial institutions in the market. Our philosophy is to provide every customer with Legendary Customer Service which is based on a 14 item list of Legendary Service Standards. I have been with BCNB for over 8 years and I am very proud to be part of this exceptional team.

On a personal level, I have been married to the love of my life for 5 years (we have been together for almost 10). We have 2 beautiful daughters, Elly (almost 3) and Beth (6 months). They keep us on our toes with their high level of activity and make sure we sleep well at night. I will admit that they have me wrapped around their fingers with their lovely smiles and convenient moments of affection. I am completely out numbered!

I am 28 years old and enjoy following politics and financial news. I am proud to announce that I am a former Republican yes man that has seen the light of the Libertarian Party. Don’t get me wrong, I vote for the person, not the party. Yet, Libertarian ideals encourage this behavior. I am a strong supporter of Bob Barr and think that the American public has been fooled by the false promises of both the Republican and Democratic Parties. They stump on the aspect of change when in fact that is the last thing on their mind. Keep reading while I go into more detail on many of my thoughts regarding this topic! I am an avid reader of the Wall Street Journal and watcher of CNBC. Our entire lives are either directly or indirectly affected by economics, that we must continue to watch the markets and understand how they work.

Still, there is a large place in my life for faith. I am a member of the Columbia United Church of Christ. Yes, the denomination of Obama. Don’t believe rev. Wright, the United Church of Christ is a church of acceptance of all of God’s creatures. We are all God’s creatures and who are we to judge each other. If God does not approve of your behavior, trust me that he will let you know in the end. As long as you are not infringing on others’ rights, I have no place telling you have to live your life. I will love you as I love God.

I will this post now and I hope you continue to visit as I touch on politics and financial issues in the coming days and weeks.

God bless.